Are you getting an “Expired File” message?

Don’t Worry - the file didn’t expire. You own it and can use it forever.

The ability to download the file has expired.

Explanation: I use Square Space as my content management system. They run all the software that is the inner workings of my website. They have a requirement that all download links expire in 24 hours. I have asked many times for them to allow me to change this and they will not. I am looking for other solutions but affordability is a requirement. I don’t have one yet.

Solution: First, to get your files back just drop me an email at and I will send you a new download link. It will be good for another 24 hours. I will send you the link as soon as I can but understand 3dcuts is just me, no other employees, so you will need to wait until I am home at my computer.

You should: When you purchase my files download them right away. I also recommend that after you unzip a file (from any location, not just mine) that you take a copy of the file and save it to a backed up storage device - like a hard drive or a cloud storage source. Then if (when) your local computer or hard drive dies, you will still have all your files. Always work from a second copy, then if you delete something you shouldn’t have, you can always go find it.